Sunday, July 26, 2015

Concept Statement

Name your intended audience (the person(s) you need to persuade.) 
Design firms and in-house design teams that I will be applying to (Gravity, Thomas Creative Solutions, Seattle Aquarium, Fred Hutchinson, City of Seattle, Starbucks, Boeing)
Describe what you need to inform and persuade them of:
Imagery to help better understand the concept of the design.
High Fis to help understand how it would be applied in the "real world"
Sketches and Comps so people have a better understanding of my thought process
Quick blurbage to help link the concept with the design to the client.Write a 200 word concept statement based on the user, your persuasion, navigation and the assets. 
I am basing my portfolio section to mimic that of Tobias van Schneider the German designer, which is now based in NY. I’m also looking at using a dark background to have the portfolio section really pop with the colors being used for each section. I also really like the large format type and helps express who he is. I am going to be mimicking the stylization of the subscription page to help with the look and feel of my contact section. The navigation will be fixed to the left side of the screen and pinned so it follows the user up and down the page for easy access and easy way to navigate to a different part of the page. My social media will be using flat design icons to stay with the constancy of my style and  will be located in the upper right portion of the page.
List the assets you need to persuade the user: Which 7 (minimum) projects? scans of what?, photos of what objects? images from what computer graphics program? what descriptive text? list them.
To promote my: Skills as a graphic/web designer
The goals of the site are: To have accessibility to my work for future employers to be able to view. 
The ultimate message/philosophy (about who you are): Flat design, interactivity, biology/research/animal driven
What is the story you are telling?
Trying to show that I am a risk taker and not afraid to attempt something creative and new.
What descriptive words can you use to describe the ‘vibe’ of your site: 
"Vibe" open, white space, simplistic, interactive
WWF Infographic: Scans, Finals, Mock Ups
Seattle Aquarium Environmental Graphic: Sketches, Inspiration, Comps, Finals, Mock Ups
Dove Family Dentistry Identity: Full Case Study, Sketches, Comps, Research/Inspiration, Finals, Mock Ups
Frog Hollow Identity: Full Case Study, Sketches, Comps, Research, Brand Style Guide, Finals, Mock Ups
Rapala Phone App: Full Case Study, Sketches, Comps, Research/Inspiration, Low Fi, Hi Fi, Finals, iPhone Mock Ups
LucidSight & Octopedia Identity, App: Full Case Study, Sketches, Comps, Research/Inspiration, Low Fi, Hi Fi, Finals, iPad Mock Ups
Andrea Bocelli Special Edition Box Set: Final Images, Applied Finals
Concept Statement:
Being focused mainly on print design throughout 75% of my schooling, I have leaned the importance of being diverse in my career and started looking into web, mobile, and interactive design. Because of this change in focus with my school path and career, I am needing my website to reflect the same look, feel, and attitude. I believe Europe is always ahead of the game with it comes to design so my site is going to be heavy influenced by Tobias van Schneider originally from Germany. The influence from his page will help in the professional look I am aiming for. My goal is to aim for large well-known companies that is looking for UX designers, interactive designers, or information graphic artists. I will need to have a look of a promising upcoming professional and not a fresh out of college student. Being a future interactive designer I need to step up and take risks with new softwares I am not used to and figure out and understand how they work. that being said, I am using myself as the “Guinea pig” and creating my new site with an unfamiliar program SPECIFICALLY just to find out how it functions and work.

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